September 14

What if I’ve Got Sleep Apnea?

Although there are no absolute cures for sleep apnea, there are a number of treatments which can help overcome your sleep apnea symptoms, giving you back your rest and health.  The treatment depends on the level of severity of the sleep apnea.  Sleep apnea is not just about snoring, although your partner may be all too aware of your problem,  it is not only they who suffer. Seek out a sleep apnea specialist if you suspect you may have it, because they can diagnose your level or type properly and help you choose the right treatment.

The person with sleep apnea stops breathing for 10 seconds or more throughout the night’s sleep – sometimes more than 10 times an hour. The consequent lack of oxygen instructs part of the brain to force a breath which causes the sufferer to wake up momentarily to gasp for air.  The continual disturbance to sleep has the results you would expect when someone doesn’t got the right quality and quantity of sleep, but can also have long-term effects. These can include heart problems, diabetes, depression, anxiety and strokes as well as a reduced intellectual capacity, and becoming a danger behind the wheel.

For a few snorers, the solution may be as simple as strips which help hold the nasal passages open, but for most, the problem goes deeper than that.

For moderate to severe cases the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device has been considered the standard treatment

It is a mask-like device worn over the mouth and nose, or just the nose which helps keep the airway open during sleep by forcing in air. It works in that the wearer gets uninterrupted good quality sleep as long as it is used correctly and it is found not to be too invasive or uncomfortable.

However, a recent study has revealed that 50% of users found the CPAP device too uncomfortable or were put off by the side effects and weren’t using it to its full potential.

Some of these side effects include nightmares and excessive dreaming in the early stages of use, dry nose and sore throat, nasal congestion and sneezing, insomnia, sore eyes and skin on the face and abdominal bloating.

Alternatives to the CPAP Mask

For these reasons, people often search out methods of treatment. A BiPAP device is similar to the CPAP machine, in that it has a tube attached to a blower. It keeps the airways open but helps with the inhalation and exhalation during the night. The pressure is set higher for breathing in, but lower for exhaling, and it is somewhat more comfortable to wear, without a claustrophobia-inducing mask.

For mild to moderate cases of sleep apnea or if the CPAP machine can’t be tolerated, a mouthpiece is a good option and gaining ground among experts.  The most common mouthpiece-like device is called a mandibular advancement (MAD) device which is worn like a sports mouth guard, snapping over the dental arches with metal hinges that ease the lower jaw forward. It can be fitted by an othodontist or a specialist dentist. The mandibular advancement device is more suited for those who have an overbite.
Another oral device is the tongue retaining device which acts as a splint holding the tongue down and therefore keeping the airway passage open.
If fitted with a dental device you should have periodic checks to make sure the device is still working effectively and if you experience pain or changes in your bite the specialist may be able to make suitable modifications.


Although sleep apnea can be a serious and debilitating condition, surgery is usually a last resort to be considered only if other options have failed and the condition is particularly severe, because it is painful and expensive, without guaranteed success. There are several types of surgery used for sleep apnea sufferers; for example removing the tonsils and adenoids, widening the jaw, and other facial reconstruction. The classic procedure is uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), in which the surgeon removes soft tissue from the back of the throat, in the hope of opening up the airway.
However, the sleep specialist you visit may suggest much simpler ways to improve sleep apnea. These include losing some weight, reducing alcohol intake or sleeping on your side – and you can buy special nightshirts to ensure that you don’t roll over onto your back. Certainly weight loss and reduced alcohol will have other health benefits besides a good night’s sleep.

Stop Snoring, Sleep Better, and Live Longer!

The Dental Sleep Apnea Clinic can help you find relief from your sleep apnea. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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