A Dental Solution for Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea affects millions of the American population with over a quarter of the entire population reporting to be experiencing sleep deprivation. This can be attributed to a number of reasons for example, busy schedules, and lifestyle complications. It is estimated that this disorder affects over 20 million people in America alone. Medical practitioners suggest that 80 percent of these cases go undiagnosed and the patients live with the disorder.
Sleep apnea is so prevalent that almost everyone has some level of risk; however overweight individuals and people who experience daytime sleepiness are at a higher risk than other people. This just means that you might be suffering from sleep apnea and living with it without knowing.
What exactly is sleep apnea?
The term sleep apnea is used to describe an interruption in breathing during sleep and it can last for 10 or more seconds and is as a result of the obstruction of the airway. The disorder is characterized by heavy snoring, breathing pauses and choking noises during sleep. Sleep apnea ranges from mild to severe cases. Severe sleep apnea can lead to bad health complications. This does not mean that mild sleep apnea is better as it can negatively affect the quality of your life.
When it comes to treating sleep apnea, a number of options are available. Continuous positive airway pressure also known as CPAP machine is the most common treatment option used in the sleep apnea relief. However, other options are available that are effective in the treatment of this disorder. Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT) is one of the best treatments for obstructive sleep apnea. This therapy option is an ideal alternative to CPAP and can be used in the treatment of mild to severe sleep apnea conditions.
A CPAP Alternative for Sleep Apnea
CPAP is the gold standard treatment for sleep apnea; unfortunately not all patients respond or tolerate this treatment. This is because is because it tends to be burdensome, sometimes noisy, and uncomfortable especially when traveling. In fact very few patients use this device as often as required and they end up not getting the required help with sleep apnea. Some even end up not using the device completely.
Oral appliance therapy is the best alternative to CPAP treatment option. This is because it is comfortable, minimally intrusive and it can be customized to every patient’s needs. The appliance is basically a small mouth piece and device designed to hold the lower jaw forward while you sleep. This reduces the obstruction of the airway and prevents you from snoring and experiencing breathing problems. It is tested and proven to be very effective in the treatment of sleep problems like snoring and sleep apnea.
Stop Snoring, Sleep Better, and Live Longer!
The Dental Sleep Apnea Clinic can help you find relief from you sleep apnea.  Contact us today to schedule your consultation.