September 7

Fact or Fiction? Test your Knowledge of Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Do you know what age group snores the most?  Do men snore more than woman?  The following quiz from  Web MD will help you to learn what’s myth and what’s real about sleep apnea.

1 – “Sleep Apnea Is Just SnoringTrue or False?


it’s the underlying cause of some snoring, but it can also be fairly quiet. People who have it stop breathing while they’re sleeping, sometimes as often as 400 times a night. Not very restful!

2 – Sleep Apnea Is No Big DealTrue or False?


Sleep apnea is more than just embarrassing or inconvenient – it can be dangerous!

3 – It Blocks Your BreathingTrue or False?


4 – Only Older People Get It True or False?


Yes, it’s more common after 40, but people of all ages, genders and ethnicities can suffer from it.

5 – Alcohol Will Help You SleepTrue or False?


Alcohol relaxes you – and the muscles in the back of your throat – this makes it even more likely that airways will get blocked.

6 – Sleep Apnea Is Rare in KidsTrue or False?


OSA is common in children, affecting as many as 1 in 10.

7 – Losing Weight Can HelpTrue or False?


Losing even a few pounds can help with symptoms.

8 – Lying on Your Side Can HelpTrue or False?


It can help keep your airways open.

9 – A Mouthpiece Might Work, TooTrue or False?


A dentist or orthodontist can fit you with a mouthpiece or oral appliance to ease mild sleep apnea. The device is custom-made for you.”

For more details and facts (or myths) read the entire article.

Stop Snoring, Sleep Better, and Live Longer!

The Dental Sleep Apnea Clinic can help you find relief from you sleep apnea.  devSheetMetal to schedule your consultation.

The image “Sleeping”by is by Mads Boedker</i
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