August 11

Is Alzheimers Caused by Snoring?

After the stress you must have gone through during the day, it becomes a necessity for you to get a nice, deep sleep. A nice, deep sleep will make you feel refreshed, revitalized, and rejuvenated for the next day. Recent research has also revealed that getting a nice sleep may be all you need to safeguard against dementia.

Researchers at Wheaton College, Illinois found a noteworthy relationship between breathing disorders that bring about interruption during sleep as well as the biomarkers accumulation for Alzheimer’s disease.

As a way of treating sleep apnea, dental appliances were used to force air into the airway of the patient. This offered a considerable amount of help with sleep apnea. It also helped in slowing the process or lowering the risk of dementia. In a second study, it was observed that severe sleep apnea brought about an increase in the amyloid buildup of adults.

Furthermore, clearing up of bad amyloid, a toxin found in the brain take place during the deepest part of sleep. When you sleep well, there will be enough time for your brain to wash away these harmful toxins that have built up over the course of the day. However, when your sleep is continually interrupted, either due to severe sleep apnea, there is no enough time for the brain to do this. On the long run, the bad amyloid will end up accumulating in the brain. Thus, causing Alzheimer’s.

For this reason, it is important that you eliminate all distraction and get a nice sleep. Once you notice that you are unable to get quality sleep, and your severe sleep apnea is also preventing others from getting good sleep, try as much as possible to visit a qualified to help in treating sleep apnea.

If you are in search of a well-experienced dentist to help with sleep apnea, you can always count on the dental office of treating sleep apnea to provide fast, effective, long-term solution to your severe sleep apnea problems. Dr. Valachi offers a dental solution for sleep apnea as an alternative to CPAP machines.

Stop Snoring, Sleep Better, and Live Longer!

The Dental Sleep Apnea Clinic can help you find relief from you sleep apnea.  Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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